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Prompts, tests, and outputs


Prompts from raw text

By default, the config will accept raw text as prompts:

- 'Translate the following text to French: "{{name}}: {{text}}"'
- 'Translate the following text to German: "{{name}}: {{text}}"'

YAML supports multiline strings too:

- |-
Hi there LLM,
Please translate the following text to French:
"{{name}}: {{text}}"
- |-
Translate the following text to German:
"{{name}}: {{text}}"

Use Nunjucks templating syntax to include variables in your prompts, which will be replaced with actual values from your test cases during evaluation.

Prompts as JSON

Some LLM APIs accept prompts in a JSON chat format like [{ "role" : "user", "content": "..."}].

By default, plaintext prompts are wrapped in a user-role message. If you provide JSON, then promptfoo will send the messages object exactly as provided.

Here's an example of a chat-formatted prompt:

- file://path/to/personality1.json

And in personality1.json:

"role": "system",
"content": "You are a helpful assistant"
"role": "user",
"content": "Tell me about {{topic}}"

Learn more about chat conversations with OpenAI message format.

Prompts from file

Your prompts may be complicated enough that it's difficult to maintain them inline. In that case, reference a file. Filepaths are relative to the configuration file directory:

- file://path/to/prompt1.txt
- file://path/to/prompt2.txt
- file://path/to/prompt.json
- file://path/to/prompt.yaml
- file://path/to/prompt.yml
- file://path/to/
- file://path/to/prompt.j2
# Globs are supported
- file://prompts/*.txt
- file://prompts/*.j2
- file://path/**/*
# Prompt functions
# Executes entire file
- file:///root/path/to/prompt.js
- file://./path/to/
# Executes individual functions
- file:///root/path/to/prompt.js:prompt1
- file:///root/path/to/prompt.js:prompt2
- file:///root/path/to/
- file:///root/path/to/
- file:///root/path/to/
- file:///root/path/to/

Check them into version control. This approach helps in tracking changes, collaboration, and ensuring consistency across different environments.

Example of multiple prompt files:

Translate the following text to French: "{{name}}: {{text}}"
Translate the following text to German: "{{name}}: {{text}}"

Prompts can be JSON too. Use this to configure multi-shot prompt formats:

"role": "system",
"content": "You are a translator can converts input to {{ language }}."
"role": "user",
"content": "{{ text }}"

Multiple prompts in a single text file

If you have only one text file, you can include multiple prompts in the file, separated by the separator ---. If you have multiple files, each prompt should be in a separate file.

Example of a single prompt file with multiple prompts (prompts.txt):

Translate the following text to French: "{{name}}: {{text}}"
Translate the following text to German: "{{name}}: {{text}}"

The prompt separator can be overridden with the PROMPTFOO_PROMPT_SEPARATOR environment variable.

Prompts as Markdown

Prompts as markdown are treated similarly to prompts as raw text. You can define a prompt in a markdown file as:
You are a helpful assistant for Promptfoo. Please answer the following question: {{question}}

Note that only one prompt per markdown file is supported.

Prompts as Jinja2 Templates

Jinja2 template files (.j2) are supported. Like Markdown files, each .j2 file is treated as a single prompt.

Jinja2 uses syntax that's compatible with Nunjucks (which promptfoo uses for templating), including the same variable interpolation with {{ variable }} syntax.

You are a helpful assistant for Promptfoo.
Please answer the following question about {{ topic }}: {{ question }}

Different prompts per model

To set separate prompts for different providers, you can specify the prompt files within the providers section of your promptfooconfig.yaml. Each provider can have its own set of prompts that are tailored to its specific requirements or input format.

Here's an example of how to set separate prompts for llama3.1 and GPT-4o models:

# yaml-language-server: $schema=
- id: file://prompts/gpt_chat_prompt.json
label: gpt_chat_prompt
- id: file://prompts/llama_completion_prompt.txt
label: llama_completion_prompt

- id: openai:gpt-4o-mini
- gpt_chat_prompt
- id: openai:gpt-4o
- gpt_chat_prompt
- id: replicate:meta/meta-llama-3.1-405b-instruct
label: llama-3.1-405b-instruct
- llama_completion_prompt

In this configuration, the gpt_chat_prompt is used for both GPT-4o and GPT-4o-mini models, while the llama_completion_prompt is used for the llama3.1 model. The prompts are defined in separate files within the prompts directory.

Make sure to create the corresponding prompt files with the content formatted as expected by each model. For example, GPT models might expect a JSON array of messages, while llama might expect a plain text format with a specific prefix.

Prompt functions

Prompt functions allow you to incorporate custom logic in your prompts. These functions are written in JavaScript or Python and are included in the prompt files with .js or .py extensions.

To specify a prompt function in promptfooconfig.yaml, reference the file directly. For example:

- file://prompt.js
- file://

In the prompt function, you can access the test case variables and provider information via the context. The function will have access to a vars object and provider object. Having access to the provider object allows you to dynamically generate prompts for different providers with different formats.

The function should return one of the following:

  1. A string (used directly as the prompt)
  2. An object/array (JSON stringified and used as the prompt)
  3. A structured object with prompt (string or object/array) and config (provider configuration).

When a prompt function returns configuration alongside the prompt content, the configuration values will be merged with any existing configuration for that prompt. Values returned by the prompt function will take precedence over existing configuration values with the same keys.

This allows you to set default configuration values in your promptfoo config file, while still enabling prompt functions to override specific settings dynamically when needed.


A Javascript prompt function, prompt.js:

module.exports = async function ({ vars, provider }) {
return [
role: 'system',
content: `You're an assistant named ${provider.label ||}. Be concise.`,
role: 'user',
content: `Tell me about ${vars.topic}`,

To reference a specific function in your prompt file, use the following syntax: filename.js:functionName:

module.exports.prompt1 = async function ({ vars, provider }) {
return [
role: 'system',
content: `You're an assistant named ${provider.label ||}. Be concise.`,
role: 'user',
content: `Tell me about ${vars.topic}`,

A Python prompt function,
import json
import sys

def my_prompt_function(context: dict) -> str:

provider: dict = context['provider']
provider_id: str = provider['id'] # ex. openai:gpt-4o or bedrock:anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0
provider_label: str | None = provider.get('label') # exists if set in promptfoo config.

variables: dict = context['vars'] # access the test case variables

return (
f"Describe {variables['topic']} concisely, comparing it to the Python"
" programming language."

A JavaScript prompt function that returns both prompt content and dynamic configuration:

module.exports = async function ({ vars, provider }) {
// Adjust configuration based on topic complexity
let temperature = 0.7;
let maxTokens = 100;

if (vars.topic.includes('complex') || vars.topic.length > 50) {
// More complex topics get more freedom
temperature = 0.9;
maxTokens = 150;

return {
prompt: [
role: 'system',
content: `You are a helpful assistant. Be concise.`,
role: 'user',
content: `Tell me about ${vars.topic}`,
config: {
max_tokens: maxTokens,
response_format: { type: 'text' },

This structured return format allows you to dynamically configure provider settings based on the prompt content or other runtime factors.

To verify that your function is producing the correct prompt:

  1. Run promptfoo view
  2. Check that the table header contains your function code.
  3. Hover over a particular output that you want to investigate and click the Magnifying Glass (🔎) to view the final prompt in the details pane.

By default, promptfoo runs the python executable in your shell.

To override the Python executable, set the PROMPTFOO_PYTHON environment variable to an executable (e.g. /usr/bin/python3.11 or python3.11).

Viewing the final prompt

Prompt functions show source code at the top of the results table because they can return dynamic values that differ between test cases.

In order to see the prompts for each test case, toggle Table Settings > Show full prompt in output cell. This will display the final prompt for each test case/provider combination.

final prompt shown for each test case

Prompt configs

Prompts can be configured with a config object. This object is merged with the provider configuration object and the combined object is used to call the provider API.

A good use case for this is to set the response_format for a specific prompt.


- label: 'Prompt #1'
raw: 'You are a helpful math tutor. Solve {{problem}}'
type: json_schema
json_schema: ...

Nunjucks filters

Nunjucks is a templating language with many built-in filters that can be applied to variables. For example: {{ varName | capitalize }}.

Nunjucks custom filters are Javascript functions that can be applied to variables in your templates.

To define a Nunjucks filter, create a JavaScript file that exports a function. This function will be used as the filter and it should take the input value as an argument and return the transformed value.

Here's an example of a custom Nunjucks filter that transforms a string to uppercase (allcaps.js):

module.exports = function (str) {
return str.toUpperCase();

To use a custom Nunjucks filter in Promptfoo, add it to your configuration file (promptfooconfig.yaml). The nunjucksFilters field should contain a mapping of filter names to the paths of the JavaScript files that define them:

- file://prompts.txt
- openai:gpt-4o-mini
allcaps: ./allcaps.js
# ...

Then, use the filter in prompts by appending it to a variable or expression with the pipe (|) symbol:

Translate this to {{language}}: {{body | allcaps}}

In this example, the body variable is passed through the allcaps filter before it's used in the prompt. This means that the text will be transformed to uppercase.

Default prompt

If prompts is not defined in the config, then by default Promptfoo will use a "passthrough" prompt: {{prompt}}. This prompt simply passes through content of the prompt variable.

Tests and Vars

If you have a lot of tests, you can optionally keep them separate from the main config file.

The easiest way to do this is by creating a tests.yaml file that contains a list of tests. Then, include it in your promptfooconfig.yaml like so:

# ...

# ...

tests: file://path/to/tests.yaml

You can even break it into multiple files or globs:

- file://relative/path/to/normal_test.yaml
- file://relative/path/to/special_test.yaml
- file:///absolute/path/to/more_tests/*.yaml

Import from Javascript or Typescript

You can also import tests from Javascript or Typescript files.

- file://path/to/tests.js
# or
- file://path/to/tests.ts:generate_tests

The file should export an array of test cases:

export default [
{ vars: { var1: 'value1', var2: 'value2' }, assert: [], description: 'Test #1' },
{ vars: { var1: 'value3', var2: 'value4' }, assert: [], description: 'Test #2' },
export async function generate_tests() {
// Fetch test cases from database
const results = await mockDb.query('SELECT input, context FROM test_cases');
return, i) => ({
vars: {
var1: row.input,
var2: row.context,
assert: [],
description: `Test #${i + 1}`,

Import from Python

You can also import tests from Python files. The Python file should contain a function that returns a list of test cases:

tests: file://path/to/
import pandas as pd

def generate_tests():
# Load test data from CSV - or from any other data source
df = pd.read_csv('test_data.csv')

test_cases = []
for _, row in df.iterrows():
test_case = {
"vars": {
"input": row['input_text'],
"context": row['context']
"assert": [{
"type": "contains",
"value": row['expected_output']
"description": f"Test case for: {row['input_text'][:30]}..."
return test_cases

Import from JSON/JSONL

JSON files contain an array of test cases:

{ "vars": { "var1": "value1" }, "assert": [], "description": "Test #1" },
{ "vars": { "var1": "value2" }, "assert": [], "description": "Test #2" }

JSONL files contain one JSON test case per line:

{"vars": {"var1": "value1"}, "assert": [], "description": "Test #1"}
{"vars": {"var1": "value2"}, "assert": [], "description": "Test #2"}

Import from CSV

promptfoo also supports a test CSV format.

The first row of the CSV file should contain the variable names, and each subsequent row should contain the corresponding values for each test case.

Vars are substituted by Nunjucks templating syntax into prompts. The first row is the variable names. All other rows are variable values.

Example of a tests file (tests.csv):

German,"Hello, world!"
Spanish,Where is the library?

The tests file optionally supports several special columns:

  • __expected: A column that includes test assertions. This column lets you automatically mark output according to quality expectations.
    • For multiple assertions, use __expected1, __expected2, __expected3, etc.
  • __prefix: This string is prepended to each prompt before it's sent to the API
  • __suffix: This string is appended to each prompt before it's sent to the API
  • __description: The test description
  • __metric: The metric assigned to every assertion in the test case
  • __threshold: The threshold assigned to the test case
  • __metadata:*: Add metadata to the test case that can be filtered using --filter-metadata. Replace * with your metadata key (e.g., __metadata:topic).
    • For array values, use __metadata:*[] format (e.g., __metadata:topic[]). Array values are comma-separated and support escaping commas with \,.

Example CSV with metadata columns:

"Hello world","greeting","basic,introduction"
"What's 2+2?","math","arithmetic,basic\,math"

You can filter tests by metadata using the --filter-metadata option:

# Filter by single value metadata
promptfoo eval --filter-metadata topic=greeting

# Filter by array value metadata (matches any value in the array)
promptfoo eval --filter-metadata categories=arithmetic

You can load your tests from Google Sheets.

CSV Files with JSON Fields

CSV files can include JSON fields for structured data. Simple JSON can be unquoted ({"answer":""}), while JSON with commas should be escaped ("{""key"":""value""}"). By default, promptfoo will try to parse JSON fields in both formats. Set PROMPTFOO_CSV_STRICT=true to enforce RFC 4180 compliance. Use the load filter to parse JSON in prompts: {{ (json_field | load).property }}.

Passing Configuration to Custom Assertions

Custom assertions (Python, JavaScript, etc.) can receive configuration data through additional CSV columns. These columns become available in the assertion's context under vars.

Example CSV with configuration data:

What is the difference between supervised and unsupervised learning?,"python: file://","reference answer","some value"

The custom assertion can access these values through the context:
def custom_assertion(output, context):
# Access configuration from CSV columns
vars = context.get('vars', {})
ground_truth = vars.get('groundTruthValue')
config_value = vars.get('configKey')
# ... rest of assertion logic
module.exports = (output, { vars }) => {
const groundTruth = vars.groundTruthValue;
const configValue = vars.configKey;
// ... rest of assertion logic

Loading images and other file types

Promptfoo supports loading various file types as variables in your prompts:

- vars:
text_file: file://path/to/text.txt
yaml_file: file://path/to/data.yaml
pdf_document: file://path/to/document.pdf
image: file://path/to/image.png
video: file://path/to/video.mp4

When loading files as variables:

  • Text files are loaded as plain text
  • YAML/YML files are loaded as JSON strings
  • PDF files are parsed to extract text (requires pdf-parse package)
  • Image files (jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, webp, svg) are loaded as base64 strings
  • Video files (mp4, webm, ogg, mov, avi, wmv, mkv, m4v) are loaded as base64 strings

This is particularly useful for multimodal models that can process text, images, and videos. For example, to include an image in a prompt for a vision model:

- |-
"role": "user",
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": "Describe what you see in this image:"
"type": "image_url",
"image_url": {
"url": "data:image/jpeg;base64,{{image}}"

- vars:
image: file://path/to/image.jpg

Similarly, for video content:

- |-
"role": "user",
"content": [
"type": "text",
"text": "Describe what happens in this video:"
"type": "video_url",
"video_url": {
"url": "data:video/mp4;base64,{{video}}"

- vars:
video: file://path/to/video.mp4

The media files will be automatically loaded and converted to base64 strings that can be used directly in your prompts for multimodal models.

To disable this behavior, set the PROMPTFOO_DISABLE_MULTIMEDIA_AS_BASE64 environment variable to true.

Output File

The results of the evaluation are written to this file. For example:

promptfoo eval --output filepath.json

The output file can also be set using the outputPath key in the promptfoo configuration.

Several file formats are supported, including JSON, YAML, CSV, and HTML.

Each record in the output file corresponds to a test case and includes the original prompt, the output generated by the LLM, and the values of the variables used in the test case.

For example outputs, see the examples/ directory.

Permuting inputs and assertions

A vanilla prompts.txt/promptfooconfig.yaml pair supports each test combining one set of variables with one set of assertions. Trying to combine many sets of variables with many sets of assertions can lead to exponentially more config entries.

Scenarios enable you to use all possible combinations of 1+ sets of variables and 1+ sets of assertions within one config entry.