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Using the node package


promptfoo is available as a node package on npm:

npm install promptfoo


Use promptfoo as a library in your project by importing the evaluate function and other utilities:

import promptfoo from 'promptfoo';

const results = await promptfoo.evaluate(testSuite, options);

The evaluate function takes the following parameters:

The results of the evaluation are returned as an EvaluateSummary object.

Provider functions

A ProviderFunction is a Javascript function that implements an LLM API call. It takes a prompt string and a context. It returns the LLM response or an error. See ProviderFunction type.

You can load providers using the loadApiProvider function:

import { loadApiProvider } from 'promptfoo';

// Load a provider with default options
const provider = await loadApiProvider('openai:o3-mini');

// Load a provider with custom options
const providerWithOptions = await loadApiProvider('azure:chat:test', {
options: {
apiHost: 'test-host',
apiKey: 'test-key',

Assertion functions

An Assertion can take an AssertionFunction as its value. AssertionFunction parameters:

  • output: the LLM output
  • testCase: the test case
  • assertion: the assertion object
Type definition
type AssertionFunction = (
output: string,
testCase: AtomicTestCase,
assertion: Assertion,
) => Promise<GradingResult>;

interface GradingResult {
// Whether the test passed or failed
pass: boolean;

// Test score, typically between 0 and 1
score: number;

// Plain text reason for the result
reason: string;

// Map of labeled metrics to values
namedScores?: Record<string, number>;

// Record of tokens usage for this assertion
tokensUsed?: Partial<{
total: number;
prompt: number;
completion: number;
cached?: number;

// List of results for each component of the assertion
componentResults?: GradingResult[];

// The assertion that was evaluated
assertion: Assertion | null;

For more info on different assertion types, see assertions & metrics.


promptfoo exports an evaluate function that you can use to run prompt evaluations.

import promptfoo from 'promptfoo';

const results = await promptfoo.evaluate(
prompts: ['Rephrase this in French: {{body}}', 'Rephrase this like a pirate: {{body}}'],
providers: ['openai:gpt-4o-mini'],
tests: [
vars: {
body: 'Hello world',
vars: {
body: "I'm hungry",
writeLatestResults: true, // write results to disk so they can be viewed in web viewer
maxConcurrency: 2,


This code imports the promptfoo library, defines the evaluation options, and then calls the evaluate function with these options.

You can also supply functions as prompts, providers, or asserts:

import promptfoo from 'promptfoo';

(async () => {
const results = await promptfoo.evaluate({
prompts: [
'Rephrase this in French: {{body}}',
(vars) => {
return `Rephrase this like a pirate: ${vars.body}`;
providers: [
(prompt, context) => {
// Call LLM here...
console.log(`Prompt: ${prompt}, vars: ${JSON.stringify(context.vars)}`);
return {
output: '<LLM output>',
tests: [
vars: {
body: 'Hello world',
vars: {
body: "I'm hungry",
assert: [
type: 'javascript',
value: (output) => {
const pass = output.includes("J'ai faim");
return {
score: pass ? 1.0 : 0.0,
reason: pass ? 'Output contained substring' : 'Output did not contain substring',

There's a full example on Github here.

Here's the example output in JSON format:

"results": [
"prompt": {
"raw": "Rephrase this in French: Hello world",
"display": "Rephrase this in French: {{body}}"
"vars": {
"body": "Hello world"
"response": {
"output": "Bonjour le monde",
"tokenUsage": {
"total": 19,
"prompt": 16,
"completion": 3
"prompt": {
"raw": "Rephrase this in French: I&#39;m hungry",
"display": "Rephrase this in French: {{body}}"
"vars": {
"body": "I'm hungry"
"response": {
"output": "J'ai faim.",
"tokenUsage": {
"total": 24,
"prompt": 19,
"completion": 5
// ...
"stats": {
"successes": 4,
"failures": 0,
"tokenUsage": {
"total": 120,
"prompt": 72,
"completion": 48
"table": [
["Rephrase this in French: {{body}}", "Rephrase this like a pirate: {{body}}", "body"],
["Bonjour le monde", "Ahoy thar, me hearties! Avast ye, world!", "Hello world"],
"J'ai faim.",
"Arrr, me belly be empty and me throat be parched! I be needin' some grub, matey!",
"I'm hungry"