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promptfoo provides a Docker image that allows you to host a central server that stores your team's evals. With this, you can:

  • Share your evals with your team.
  • Run evals in your CI/CD pipeline and aggregate the results.
  • Keep sensitive data off of your local machine.

The self-hosted app consists of:

  • The self-hosted app is an Express server that serves the web UI and API.

Using Pre-built Docker Images

A quick way to get started is to use a pre-built image.

To use a pre-built image:

  1. Pull the image:
docker pull

You can use specific version tags instead of latest to pin to a specific version.

  1. Run the container:
docker run -d --name promptfoo_container -p 3000:3000 -v /path/to/local_promptfoo:/root/.promptfoo

Key points:

  • -v /path/to/local_promptfoo:/root/.promptfoo maps the container's working directory to your local filesystem. Replace /path/to/local_promptfoo with your preferred path.
  • Omitting the -v argument will result in non-persistent evals.
  • Add any api keys as environment variables on the docker container. For example, -e OPENAI_API_KEY=sk-abc123 sets the OpenAI API key so users can run evals directly from the web UI. Replace sk-abc123 with your actual API key.

Building from Source

1. Clone the Repository

First, clone the promptfoo repository from GitHub:

git clone
cd promptfoo

2. Build the Docker Image

Build the Docker image with the following command:

docker build -t promptfoo .

3. Run the Docker Container

Launch the Docker container using this command:

docker run -d --name promptfoo_container -p 3000:3000 -v /path/to/local_promptfoo:/root/.promptfoo promptfoo

Advanced Configuration

Eval Storage

promptfoo uses a SQLite database (promptfoo.db) located in /root/.promptfoo on the image. Ensure this directory is persisted to save your evals. Pass -v /path/to/local_promptfoo:/root/.promptfoo to the docker run command to persist the evals.

Pointing promptfoo to your hosted instance

When self-hosting, you need to set the environment variables so that the promptfoo share command knows how to reach your hosted application. Here's an example:

PROMPTFOO_REMOTE_API_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000 PROMPTFOO_REMOTE_APP_BASE_URL=http://localhost:3000 promptfoo share -y

This will create a shareable URL using your self-hosted service.

The PROMPTFOO_REMOTE_API_BASE_URL environment variable specifies the base URL for the API endpoints of your self-hosted service. This is where the promptfoo share command sends data to create a shareable URL.

Similarly, the PROMPTFOO_REMOTE_APP_BASE_URL environment variable sets the base URL for the UI of your self-hosted service. This will be a visible part of the shareable URL.

These configuration options can also be set under the sharing property of your promptfoo config:

apiBaseUrl: http://localhost:3000
appBaseUrl: http://localhost:3000