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Browser Provider

The Browser Provider allows you to automate web browser interactions for testing and scraping purposes.

This provider uses Playwright to control a headless Chrome browser, enabling you to navigate web pages, interact with elements, and extract data.


Playwright is a peer dependency of promptfoo, so you will need to install it separately:

npm install playwright @playwright/browser-chromium playwright-extra puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth


To use the Headless Browser Provider, set the provider id to browser and provide a configuration object with a series of steps to execute.

- id: browser
- action: navigate
url: ''
- action: type
selector: '#search-input'
text: '{{prompt}}'
- action: click
selector: '#search-button'
- action: extract
selector: '#results'
name: searchResults
responseParser: 'data.searchResults'

Supported Actions

The Headless Browser Provider supports the following actions:

  1. navigate: Go to a specified URL
  2. click: Click on an element
  3. type: Enter text into an input field
  4. screenshot: Take a screenshot of the page
  5. extract: Extract text content from an element
  6. wait: Wait for a specified amount of time
  7. waitForNewChildren: Wait for new children of an element

Action Details

  • url: The URL to navigate to


  • selector: The CSS selector of the element to click


  • selector: The CSS selector of the element to extract text from


  • filename: The filename to save the screenshot to


  • selector: The CSS selector of the input element
  • text: The text to type into the input

Special characters can be sent using the following placeholders:

  • <enter>
  • <tab>
  • <escape>


  • ms: The number of milliseconds to wait


  • parentSelector: The CSS selector of the parent element to wait for new children of
  • delay: The number of milliseconds to wait before checking for new children
  • timeout: The maximum number of milliseconds to wait for new children

Response Parsing

Use the responseParser config option to extract specific data from the results. The parser receives an object with two properties:

  • extracted: An object containing named results from extract actions
  • finalHtml: The final HTML content of the page after all actions are completed

Variables and Templating

You can use Nunjucks templating in your configuration, including the {{prompt}} variable and any other variables passed in the test context.

- id: browser
- action: navigate
url: '{{prompt}}'
- action: extract
selector: '#first-result'
name: topResult
responseParser: 'extracted.topResult'

- vars:
prompt: 'What is the capital of France?'

Using as a Library

If you are using promptfoo as a node library, you can provide the equivalent provider config:

// ...
providers: [{
id: 'browser',
config: {
steps: [
{ action: 'navigate', args: { url: '' } },
{ action: 'type', args: { selector: '#search', text: '{{prompt}}' } },
{ action: 'click', args: { selector: '#submit' } },
{ action: 'extract', args: { selector: '#results' }, name: 'searchResults' }
responseParser: (extracted, finalHtml) => extracted.searchResults,


Supported config options:

headlessbooleanWhether to run the browser in headless mode. Defaults to true.
cookiesstring | { name: string; value: string; domain?: string; path?: string; }[]A string or array of cookies to set on the browser
responseParserstring | FunctionA function or string representation of a function to parse the response. Receives an object with extracted and finalHtml parameters and should return a ProviderResponse
stepsBrowserAction[]An array of actions to perform in the browser
timeoutMsnumberThe maximum time in milliseconds to wait for the browser operations to complete

Note: All string values in the config support Nunjucks templating. This means you can use the {{prompt}} variable or any other variables passed in the test context.

Supported Browser Actions

The steps array in the configuration can include the following actions:

ActionDescriptionRequired ArgsOptional Args
navigateNavigate to a specified URLurl: string
clickClick on an elementselector: string
extractExtract text content from an elementselector: string, name: string
screenshotTake a screenshot of the pagepath: stringfullPage: boolean
typeType text into an input fieldselector: string, text: string
waitWait for a specified amount of timems: number
waitForNewChildrenWait for new child elements to appear under a parentparentSelector: stringdelay: number, timeout: number

Each action in the steps array should be an object with the following structure:

action: string;
args: {
[key: string]: any;
name?: string;

Each step in the steps array should have the following structure:

  • action: Specifies the type of action to perform (e.g., 'navigate', 'click', 'type').
  • args: Contains the required and optional arguments for the action.
  • name (optional): Used to name extracted content in the 'extract' action.

Steps are executed sequentially, enabling complex web interactions.

All string values in args support Nunjucks templating, allowing use of variables like {{prompt}}.

Testing Streamlit applications

Streamlit applications follow a common pattern where data-testid attributes are used to identify elements.

Here's an example configuration:

- id: browser
headless: true # set to false to see the browser
# Load the page - make sure you get the full URL if it's in an iframe!
- action: navigate
url: ''
# Enter the message and press enter
- action: type
selector: 'textarea'
text: '{{prompt}} <enter>'
# Wait for the response
- action: wait
ms: 5000
# Read the response
- action: extract
selector: 'div.stChatMessage:last-of-type'
name: response
responseParser: 'extracted.response'



If you are using a selector to interact with the page and it keeps timing out, it could be because the element is inside an iframe.

If this is the case, try loading the iframe contents directly using the navigate action.

Viewing the browser

If you want to view the browser as it runs, you can set the headless option to false in the config.

- id: browser
headless: false


If you are having trouble getting your tests to run, set headless to false and the browser will open. You can then see what is happening in the browser console.

Additionally, setting the LOG_LEVEL=debug environment variable will print debug information to the console during your evaluation.