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Replicate is an API for machine learning models. It currently hosts models like Llama v2, Gemma, and Mistral/Mixtral.

To run a model, specify the Replicate model name and version, like so:



Here's an example of using Llama on Replicate. In the case of Llama, the version hash and everything under config is optional:

- id: replicate:meta/llama-2-7b-chat
temperature: 0.01
max_length: 1024
prefix: '[INST] '
suffix: ' [/INST]'

Here's an example of using Gemma on Replicate. Note that unlike Llama, it does not have a default version, so we specify the model version:

- id: replicate:google-deepmind/gemma-7b-it:2790a695e5dcae15506138cc4718d1106d0d475e6dca4b1d43f42414647993d5
temperature: 0.01
max_new_tokens: 1024
prefix: "<start_of_turn>user\n"
suffix: "<end_of_turn>\n<start_of_turn>model"


The Replicate provider supports several configuration options that can be used to customize the behavior of the models, like so:

temperatureControls randomness in the generation process.
max_lengthSpecifies the maximum length of the generated text.
max_new_tokensLimits the number of new tokens to generate.
top_pNucleus sampling: a float between 0 and 1.
top_kTop-k sampling: number of highest probability tokens to keep.
repetition_penaltyPenalizes repetition of words in the generated text.
system_promptSets a system-level prompt for all requests.
stop_sequencesSpecifies stopping sequences that halt the generation.
seedSets a seed for reproducible results.

Not every model supports every completion parameter. Be sure to review the API provided by the model beforehand.

These parameters are supported for all models:

apiKeyThe API key for authentication with Replicate.
prompt.prefixString added before each prompt. Useful for instruction/chat formatting.
prompt.suffixString added after each prompt. Useful for instruction/chat formatting.

Supported environment variables:

  • REPLICATE_API_TOKEN - Your Replicate API key.
  • REPLICATE_API_KEY - An alternative to REPLICATE_API_TOKEN for your API key.
  • REPLICATE_MAX_LENGTH - Specifies the maximum length of the generated text.
  • REPLICATE_TEMPERATURE - Controls randomness in the generation process.
  • REPLICATE_REPETITION_PENALTY - Penalizes repetition of words in the generated text.
  • REPLICATE_TOP_P - Controls the nucleus sampling: a float between 0 and 1.
  • REPLICATE_TOP_K - Controls the top-k sampling: the number of highest probability vocabulary tokens to keep for top-k-filtering.
  • REPLICATE_SEED - Sets a seed for reproducible results.
  • REPLICATE_STOP_SEQUENCES - Specifies stopping sequences that halt the generation.
  • REPLICATE_SYSTEM_PROMPT - Sets a system-level prompt for all requests.


Image generators such as SDXL can be used like so:

- 'Generate an image: {{subject}}'

- id: replicate:image:stability-ai/sdxl:7762fd07cf82c948538e41f63f77d685e02b063e37e496e96eefd46c929f9bdc
width: 768
height: 768
num_inference_steps: 50

- vars:
subject: fruit loops

Supported Parameters for Images

These parameters are supported for image generation models:

widthThe width of the generated image.
heightThe height of the generated image.
refineWhich refine style to use
apply_watermarkApply a watermark to the generated image.
num_inference_stepsThe number of inference steps to use during image generation.

Not every model supports every image parameter. Be sure to review the API provided by the model beforehand.

Supported environment variables for images:

  • REPLICATE_API_TOKEN - Your Replicate API key.
  • REPLICATE_API_KEY - An alternative to REPLICATE_API_TOKEN for your API key.