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Custom Javascript

To create a custom API provider, implement the ApiProvider interface in a separate module. Here is the interface:

export interface CallApiContextParams {
vars: Record<string, string | object>;

export interface CallApiOptionsParams {
// Whether to include logprobs in API response (used with OpenAI providers)
includeLogProbs?: boolean;

// Used when provider is overridden on the test case.
originalProvider?: ApiProvider;

export interface ApiProvider {
constructor(options: { id?: string; config: Record<string, any> });

// Unique identifier for the provider
id: () => string;

// Text generation function
callApi: (
prompt: string,
context?: CallApiContextParams,
options?: CallApiOptionsParams,
) => Promise<ProviderResponse>;

// Embedding function
callEmbeddingApi?: (prompt: string) => Promise<ProviderEmbeddingResponse>;

// Classification function
callClassificationApi?: (prompt: string) => Promise<ProviderClassificationResponse>;

// Shown on output UI
label?: ProviderLabel;

// Applied by the evaluator on provider response
transform?: string;

// Custom delay for the provider.
delay?: number;

See also: ProviderResponse


Here's an example of a custom API provider that returns a predefined output along with token usage:

// customApiProvider.js
import fetch from 'node-fetch';

class CustomApiProvider {
constructor(options) {
// Provider ID can be overridden by the config file (e.g. when using multiple of the same provider)
this.providerId = || 'custom provider';

// options.config contains any custom options passed to the provider
this.config = options.config;

id() {
return this.providerId;

async callApi(prompt, context) {
// Add your custom API logic here
// Use options like: `this.config.temperature`, `this.config.max_tokens`, etc.

console.log('Vars for this test case:', JSON.stringify(context.vars));

return {
// Required
output: 'Model output',

// Optional
tokenUsage: {
total: 10,
prompt: 5,
completion: 5,

module.exports = CustomApiProvider;

Using the provider

Include the custom provider in promptfoo config:

providers: ['file://relative/path/to/customApiProvider.js']

Alternatively, you can pass the path to the custom API provider directly in the CLI:

promptfoo eval -p prompt1.txt prompt2.txt -o results.csv  -v vars.csv -r ./customApiProvider.js

This command will evaluate the prompts using the custom API provider and save the results to the specified CSV file.

A full working example is available in the examples directory.

Multiple instances of the same provider

You can instantiate multiple providers of the same type with distinct IDs. In this example, we pass a different temperature config to the provider:

- id: file:///absolute/path/to/customProvider.js
label: custom-provider-hightemp
temperature: 1.0
- id: file:///absolute/path/to/customProvider.js
label: custom-provider-lowtemp
temperature: 0

ES modules

ES modules are supported, but must have a .mjs file extension. Alternatively, if you are transpiling Javascript or Typescript, we recommend pointing promptfoo to the transpiled plain Javascript output.