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Setting the provider ID to a URL sends an HTTP request to the endpoint. This provides a general-purpose way to use any HTTP endpoint for inference.

The provider configuration allows you to construct the HTTP request and extract the inference result from the response.

- id: https
url: ''
method: 'POST'
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
myPrompt: '{{prompt}}'
transformResponse: 'json.output' # Extract the "output" field from the response

The placeholder variable {{prompt}} will be replaced with the final prompt for the test case. You can also reference test variables as you construct the request:

- id: https
url: ''
prompt: '{{prompt}}'
model: '{{model}}'
translate: '{{language}}'

- vars:
model: 'gpt-4o-mini'
language: 'French'

body can be a string or JSON object. If the body is a string, the Content-Type header defaults to text/plain unless specified otherwise. If the body is an object, then content type is automatically set to application/json.

JSON Example

- id: https
url: ''
model: '{{model}}'
translate: '{{language}}'

Form-data Example

- id: https
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'
body: 'model={{model}}&translate={{language}}'

Sending a raw HTTP request

You can also send a raw HTTP request by specifying the request property in the provider configuration. This allows you to have full control over the request, including headers and body.

Here's an example of how to use the raw HTTP request feature:

- id: https
request: |
POST /v1/completions HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer {{api_key}}

"model": "llama3.1-405b-base",
"prompt": "{{prompt}}",
"max_tokens": 100
transformResponse: 'json.content' # extract the "content" field from the response

In this example:

  1. The request property contains a raw HTTP request, including the method, path, headers, and body.
  2. You can use template variables like {{api_key}} and {{prompt}} within the raw request. These will be replaced with actual values when the request is sent.
  3. The transformResponse property is used to extract the desired information from the JSON response.

You can also load the raw request from an external file using the file:// prefix:

- id: https
request: file://path/to/request.txt
transformResponse: 'json.text'

This path is relative to the directory containing the Promptfoo config file.

Then create a file at path/to/request.txt:

POST /api/generate HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json

{"prompt": "Tell me a joke"}

Nested objects

Nested objects are supported and should be passed to the dump function.

- id: https
url: ''
messages: '{{messages | dump}}'
model: '{{model}}'
translate: '{{language}}'

- vars:
- role: 'user'
content: 'foobar'
- role: 'assistant'
content: 'baz'
model: 'gpt-4o-mini'
language: 'French'

Note that any valid JSON string within body will be converted to a JSON object.

Query parameters

Query parameters can be specified in the provider config using the queryParams field. These will be appended to the URL as GET parameters.

- id: https
url: ''
method: 'GET'
q: '{{prompt}}'
foo: 'bar'

Using as a library

If you are using promptfoo as a node library, you can provide the equivalent provider config:

// ...
providers: [{
id: 'https',
config: {
url: '',
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: {
foo: '{{bar}}',
transformResponse: (json) => json.output,

Request Transform

Request transform modifies your prompt after it is rendered but before it is sent to a provider API. This allows you to:

  • Format prompts into specific message structures
  • Add metadata or context
  • Handle nuanced message formats for multi-turn conversations

Basic Usage

- id: https
url: ''
transformRequest: '{"message": "{{prompt}}"}'
user_message: '{{prompt}}'

Transform Types

String Template

Use Nunjucks templates to transform the prompt:

transformRequest: '{"text": "{{prompt}}"}'

JavaScript Function

Define a function that transforms the prompt:

transformRequest: (prompt) => JSON.stringify({ text: prompt, timestamp: });

File-based Transform

Load a transform from an external file:

transformRequest: 'file://transforms/request.js'

Example transform file (transforms/request.js):

module.exports = (prompt) => {
return {
text: prompt,
metadata: {
version: '1.0',

You can also specify a specific function to use:

transformRequest: 'file://transforms/request.js:transformRequest'

Response Transform

The transformResponse option allows you to extract and transform the API response. If no transformResponse is specified, the provider will attempt to parse the response as JSON. If JSON parsing fails, it will return the raw text response.

You can override this behavior by specifying a transformResponse in the provider config. The transformResponse can be one of the following:

  1. A string containing a JavaScript expression
  2. A function
  3. A file path (prefixed with file://) to a JavaScript module

Parsing a JSON response

By default, the entire response is returned as the output. If your API responds with a JSON object and you want to pick out a specific value, use the transformResponse property to set a JavaScript snippet that manipulates the provided json object.

For example, this transformResponse configuration:

- id: https
url: ''
# ...
transformResponse: 'json.choices[0].message.content'

Extracts the message content from this response:

"id": "chatcmpl-abc123",
"object": "chat.completion",
"created": 1677858242,
"model": "gpt-4o-mini",
"usage": {
"prompt_tokens": 13,
"completion_tokens": 7,
"total_tokens": 20
"choices": [
"message": {
"role": "assistant",
"content": "\n\nThis is a test!"
"logprobs": null,
"finish_reason": "stop",
"index": 0

Parsing a text response

If your API responds with a text response, you can use the transformResponse property to set a JavaScript snippet that manipulates the provided text object.

For example, this transformResponse configuration:

- id: https
url: ''
# ...
transformResponse: 'text.slice(11)'

Extracts the message content "hello world" from this response:

Assistant: hello world

Response Parser Types

String parser

You can use a string containing a JavaScript expression to extract data from the response:

- id: https
url: ''
transformResponse: 'json.choices[0].message.content'

This expression will be evaluated with two variables available:

  • json: The parsed JSON response (if the response is valid JSON)
  • text: The raw text response

Function parser

When using promptfoo as a Node.js library, you can provide a function as the response parser:

providers: [{
id: 'https',
config: {
url: '',
transformResponse: (json, text) => {
// Custom parsing logic
return json.choices[0].message.content;

File-based parser

You can use a JavaScript file as a response parser by specifying the file path with the file:// prefix. The file path is resolved relative to the directory containing the promptfoo configuration file.

- id: https
url: ''
transformResponse: 'file://path/to/parser.js'

The parser file should export a function that takes two arguments (json and text) and returns the parsed output. For example:

module.exports = (json, text) => {
return json.choices[0].message.content;

You can also use a default export:

export default (json, text) => {
return json.choices[0].message.content;

You can also specify a function name to be imported from a file:

- id: https
url: ''
transformResponse: 'file://path/to/parser.js:parseResponse'

This will import the function parseResponse from the file path/to/parser.js.

Session management

Server-side session management

When using an HTTP provider with multi-turn redteam attacks like GOAT and Crescendo, you may need to maintain session IDs between rounds. The HTTP provider will automatically extract the session ID from the response headers and store it in the vars object.

Create a session parser that extracts the session ID from the response headers and returns it. All of the same formats of response parsers are supported.

The input to the session parser is an object with a headers field, which contains the response headers:

headers: Record<string, string>;

Simple header parser:

sessionParser: 'set-cookie'

The parser can take a string, file or function like the response parser. If you just include a string, it will be treated as a field on the headers object.

Then you need to set the session ID in the vars object for the next round:

- id: https
url: ''
'Cookie': '{{sessionId}}'

Client-side session management

If you want the Promptfoo client to send a unique session or conversation ID with each test case, you can add a transformVars option to your Promptfoo or redteam config. This is useful for multi-turn evals or multi-turn redteam attacks where the provider maintains a conversation state.

For example:

transformVars: '{ ...vars, sessionId: context.uuid }'

Now you can use the sessionId variable in your HTTP target config:

- id: https
url: ''
'x-promptfoo-session': '{{sessionId}}'
user_message: '{{prompt}}'

Request Retries

The HTTP provider automatically retries failed requests in the following scenarios:

  • Rate limiting (HTTP 429)
  • Server errors
  • Network failures

By default, it will attempt up to 4 retries with exponential backoff. You can configure the maximum number of retries using the maxRetries option:

- id: http
maxRetries: 2 # Override default of 4 retries


Supported config options:

urlstringThe URL to send the HTTP request to. If not provided, the id of the provider will be used as the URL.
requeststringA raw HTTP request to send. This will override the url, method, headers, body, and queryParams options.
methodstringHTTP method (GET, POST, etc). Defaults to POST if body is provided, GET otherwise.
headersRecord<string, string>Key-value pairs of HTTP headers to include in the request.
bodyobject | stringThe request body. For POST requests, objects are automatically stringified as JSON.
queryParamsRecord<string, string>Key-value pairs of query parameters to append to the URL.
transformRequeststring | FunctionA function, string template, or file path to transform the prompt before sending it to the API.
transformResponsestring | FunctionTransforms the API response using a JavaScript expression (e.g., 'json.result'), function, or file path (e.g., 'file://parser.js'). Replaces the deprecated responseParser field.
maxRetriesnumberMaximum number of retry attempts for failed requests. Defaults to 4.
validateStatusFunctionA function that takes a status code and returns a boolean indicating if the response should be treated as successful. By default, accepts all status codes.

Note: All string values in the config (including those nested in headers, body, and queryParams) support Nunjucks templating. This means you can use the {{prompt}} variable or any other variables passed in the test context.

In addition to a full URL, the provider id field accepts http or https as values.

Configuration Generator

Use the generator below to create an HTTP provider configuration based on your endpoint:

Example Request
Example Response

Error Handling

The HTTP provider throws errors for:

  • Network errors or request failures
  • Invalid response parsing
  • Session parsing errors
  • Invalid request configurations
  • Status codes that fail the configured validation (if validateStatus is set)

By default, all response status codes are accepted. You can customize this using the validateStatus option:

- id: https
url: ''
# Function-based validation
validateStatus: (status) => status < 500 # Accept any status below 500
# Or string-based expression
validateStatus: 'status >= 200 && status <= 299' # Accept only 2xx responses
# Or load from file
validateStatus: 'file://validators/status.js' # Load default export
validateStatus: 'file://validators/status.js:validateStatus' # Load specific function

Example validator file (validators/status.js):

export default (status) => status < 500;
// Or named export
export function validateStatus(status) {
return status < 500;

The provider automatically retries certain errors (like rate limits) based on maxRetries, while other errors are thrown immediately.