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Amazon SageMaker

The sagemaker provider allows you to use Amazon SageMaker endpoints in your evals. This enables testing and evaluation of any model deployed on SageMaker, including models from Hugging Face, custom-trained models, foundation models from Amazon SageMaker JumpStart, and more. For AWS-managed foundation models without custom endpoints, you might also consider the AWS Bedrock provider.


  1. Ensure you have deployed the desired models as SageMaker endpoints.

  2. Install required dependencies:

    npm install -g @aws-sdk/client-sagemaker-runtime
  3. The AWS SDK will automatically pull credentials from the following locations:

    • IAM roles on EC2
    • ~/.aws/credentials
    • AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY environment variables

    See setting node.js credentials (AWS) for more details.

  4. Edit your configuration file to point to the SageMaker provider. Here's an example:

    - id: sagemaker:my-sagemaker-endpoint

    Note that the provider is sagemaker: followed by the name of your SageMaker endpoint.

  5. Additional config parameters are passed like so:

    - id: sagemaker:my-sagemaker-endpoint
    accessKeyId: YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID
    secretAccessKey: YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
    region: 'us-west-2'
    modelType: 'openai'
    maxTokens: 256
    temperature: 0.7


Configure Amazon SageMaker authentication in your provider's config section using one of these methods:

  1. Access key authentication:
- id: sagemaker:my-sagemaker-endpoint
sessionToken: 'YOUR_SESSION_TOKEN' # Optional
region: 'us-east-1' # Optional, defaults to us-east-1
  1. SSO authentication:
- id: sagemaker:my-sagemaker-endpoint
region: 'us-east-1' # Optional, defaults to us-east-1

The provider will automatically use AWS SSO credentials when a profile is specified. For access key authentication, both accessKeyId and secretAccessKey are required, while sessionToken is optional.

Provider Syntax

The SageMaker provider supports several syntax patterns:

  1. Basic endpoint specification:

  2. Model type specification (for common model formats):


    This helps format requests properly for the specific model type deployed on your endpoint.

  3. Embedding endpoint specification:


    For endpoints that generate embeddings rather than text completions.

  4. JumpStart model specification:


    For AWS JumpStart foundation models that require specific input/output formats.

The provider also automatically detects JumpStart models when the endpoint name contains "jumpstart".


Standard Example

- 'Write a tweet about {{topic}}'

- id: sagemaker:openai:my-gpt-endpoint
region: 'us-east-1'
temperature: 0.7
maxTokens: 256
- id: sagemaker:anthropic:my-claude-endpoint
region: 'us-east-1'
temperature: 0.7
maxTokens: 256

- vars:
topic: Our eco-friendly packaging
- vars:
topic: A sneak peek at our secret menu item
- vars:
topic: Behind-the-scenes at our latest photoshoot

Llama Model Example (JumpStart)

For Llama 3 models deployed via JumpStart:

- 'Generate a creative name for a coffee shop that specializes in {{flavor}} coffee.'

- id: sagemaker:jumpstart:llama-3-2-1b-instruct
label: 'Llama 3.2 (8B) on SageMaker'
delay: 500 # Add 500ms delay between requests to prevent rate limiting
region: us-west-2
modelType: jumpstart # Use the JumpStart format handler
temperature: 0.7
maxTokens: 256
topP: 0.9
contentType: 'application/json'
acceptType: 'application/json'
path: 'json.generated_text' # Extract this field from the response

- vars:
flavor: caramel
- vars:
flavor: pumpkin spice
- vars:
flavor: lavender

Advanced Response Processing Example

This example demonstrates advanced response processing with a file-based transform:

- 'Who won the World Series in {{year}}?'

- id: sagemaker:jumpstart:my-custom-endpoint
label: 'Custom Model with Response Processing'
region: us-west-2
modelType: jumpstart
# Use a custom transform file to extract and process the response
path: 'file://transforms/extract-baseball-info.js'

- vars:
year: 2023
- vars:
year: 2000

With a custom transform file that extracts and enhances the response:

// transforms/extract-baseball-info.js
module.exports = function (json) {
// Get the raw generated text
const rawText = json.generated_text || '';

// Extract the team name using regex
const teamMatch = rawText.match(/the\s+([A-Za-z\s]+)\s+won/i);
const team = teamMatch ? teamMatch[1].trim() : 'Unknown team';

// Format the response nicely
return {
rawResponse: rawText,
extractedTeam: team,
year: rawText.match(/(\d{4})/)?.[1] || 'unknown year',
confidence: rawText.includes('I am certain') ? 'high' : 'medium',

This transform not only extracts the content but also parses it to identify specific information and formats the response with added context.

Mistral Model Example (Hugging Face)

For Mistral 7B models deployed via Hugging Face:

- 'Generate a creative name for a coffee shop that specializes in {{flavor}} coffee.'

- id: sagemaker:huggingface:mistral-7b-v3
label: 'Mistral 7B v3 on SageMaker'
delay: 500 # Add 500ms delay between requests to prevent rate limiting
region: us-west-2
modelType: huggingface # Use the Hugging Face format handler
temperature: 0.7
maxTokens: 256
topP: 0.9
contentType: 'application/json'
acceptType: 'application/json'
path: 'json[0].generated_text' # JavaScript expression to access array element

- vars:
flavor: caramel
- vars:
flavor: pumpkin spice
- vars:
flavor: lavender

Comparing Multiple Models

This example shows how to compare Llama and Mistral models side-by-side:

description: 'Comparison between Mistral 7B and Llama 3 on SageMaker'

- 'Generate a creative name for a coffee shop that specializes in {{flavor}} coffee.'
- 'Write a short story about {{topic}} in {{style}} style. Aim for {{length}} words.'
- 'Explain the concept of {{concept}} to {{audience}} in a way they can understand.'

# Llama 3.2 provider
- id: sagemaker:jumpstart:llama-3-2-1b-instruct
label: 'Llama 3.2 (8B)'
delay: 500 # Add 500ms delay between requests
region: us-west-2
modelType: jumpstart
temperature: 0.7
maxTokens: 256
topP: 0.9
contentType: 'application/json'
acceptType: 'application/json'
path: 'json.generated_text'

# Mistral 7B provider
- id: sagemaker:huggingface:mistral-7b-v3
label: 'Mistral 7B v3'
delay: 500 # Add 500ms delay between requests
region: us-west-2
modelType: huggingface
temperature: 0.7
maxTokens: 256
topP: 0.9
contentType: 'application/json'
acceptType: 'application/json'
path: '$[0].generated_text'

- vars:
flavor: caramel
topic: a robot that becomes self-aware
style: science fiction
length: '250'
concept: artificial intelligence
audience: a 10-year-old
- vars:
flavor: lavender
topic: a barista who can read customers' minds
style: mystery
length: '300'
concept: machine learning
audience: a senior citizen

Model Types

The SageMaker provider supports various model types to properly format requests and parse responses. Specify the model type in the provider ID or in the configuration:

# In provider ID
- id: sagemaker:openai:my-endpoint

# Or in config
- id: sagemaker:my-endpoint
modelType: 'openai'

Supported model types:

Model TypeDescriptionJavaScript Expression for Results
openaiOpenAI-compatible modelsStandard format
anthropicAnthropic Claude-compatible modelsStandard format
llamaLLama-compatible modelsStandard format
huggingfaceHugging Face models (like Mistral)json[0].generated_text
jumpstartAWS JumpStart foundation modelsjson.generated_text
customCustom model formats (default if not specified)Depends on model

Different model types return results in different response formats. You should configure the appropriate JavaScript expression for response extraction:

  • JumpStart models (Llama): Use responseFormat.path: "json.generated_text"
  • Hugging Face models (Mistral): Use responseFormat.path: "json[0].generated_text"

For more complex extraction logic, you can use file-based transforms as described in the Response Path Expressions section.

Configuration Options

Common configuration options for SageMaker endpoints:

endpointSageMaker endpoint name(from provider ID)
regionAWS regionus-east-1
modelTypeModel type for request/response formattingcustom
maxTokensMaximum number of tokens to generate1024
temperatureControls randomness (0.0 to 1.0)0.7
topPNucleus sampling parameter1.0
stopSequencesArray of sequences where generation stops[]
contentTypeContent type for SageMaker requestapplication/json
acceptTypeAccept type for SageMaker responseapplication/json
delayDelay between API calls in milliseconds0
transformFunction to transform prompts before sendingN/A

Response Parsing with JavaScript Expressions

For endpoints with unique response formats, you can use JavaScript expressions to extract specific fields from the response:

- id: sagemaker:my-custom-endpoint
path: 'json.custom.nested.responseField'

This will extract the value at the specified path from the JSON response using JavaScript property access. The JSON response is available as the json variable in your expression.

For more complex parsing needs, you can use a file-based transformer:

- id: sagemaker:my-custom-endpoint
path: 'file://transformers/custom-parser.js'

See the Response Path Expressions section for more details on using JavaScript expressions and file-based transformers.


To use SageMaker embedding endpoints:

- id: sagemaker:embedding:my-embedding-endpoint
region: 'us-east-1'
modelType: 'openai' # Optional, helps format the request

For assertions that require embeddings (like similarity comparisons), you can specify a SageMaker embedding provider:

id: sagemaker:embedding:my-embedding-endpoint
region: us-east-1

Environment Variables

The following environment variables can be used to configure the SageMaker provider:

  • AWS_REGION or AWS_DEFAULT_REGION: Default region for SageMaker API calls
  • AWS_SAGEMAKER_MAX_TOKENS: Default maximum number of tokens to generate
  • AWS_SAGEMAKER_TEMPERATURE: Default temperature for generation
  • AWS_SAGEMAKER_TOP_P: Default top_p value for generation
  • AWS_SAGEMAKER_MAX_RETRIES: Number of retry attempts for failed API calls (default: 3)

These environment variables can be overridden by the configuration specified in the YAML file.

Caching Support

The SageMaker provider fully supports the promptfoo caching system, which can significantly speed up evaluations and reduce costs when running repeated tests:

# Enable caching in your config
cache: true

- id: sagemaker:my-endpoint
region: us-east-1

When caching is enabled:

  • Responses for identical prompts are stored and reused
  • Token usage statistics are maintained with a cached flag
  • Debug mode will bypass the cache when needed

You can enable caching with the command line flag:

promptfoo eval --cache

Or disable caching for specific test runs even when globally enabled:

promptfoo eval --no-cache

Rate Limiting with Delays

The SageMaker provider supports rate limiting through configurable delays between API calls:

- id: sagemaker:my-endpoint
region: us-east-1
delay: 1000 # Add a 1000ms (1 second) delay between API calls

You can also specify the delay directly at the provider level:

- id: sagemaker:my-endpoint
delay: 1000 # 1 second delay
region: us-east-1

This helps:

  • Avoid rate limiting by SageMaker endpoints
  • Reduce costs by spacing out requests
  • Improve reliability for endpoints with concurrency limitations

Note that delays are only applied for actual API calls, not when responses are retrieved from cache.

Transforming Prompts

The SageMaker provider supports transforming prompts before they're sent to the endpoint. This is especially useful for:

  • Formatting prompts specifically for a particular model type
  • Adding system instructions or context
  • Converting between different prompt formats
  • Preprocessing text for specialized models

You can specify a transform function in your configuration:

- id: sagemaker:my-endpoint
region: us-east-1
transform: |
// Transform the prompt before sending to SageMaker
return `<s>[INST] ${prompt} [/INST]`

For more complex transformations, use a file:

- id: sagemaker:jumpstart:my-llama-endpoint
region: us-west-2
modelType: jumpstart
transform: file://transform.js

Where transform.js might contain:

// Transform function for formatting Llama prompts
module.exports = function (prompt, context) {
return {
inputs: prompt,
parameters: {
max_new_tokens: context.config?.maxTokens || 256,
temperature: context.config?.temperature || 0.7,
top_p: context.config?.topP || 0.9,
do_sample: true,

The transform function can also be specified directly at the provider level:

- id: sagemaker:my-endpoint
transform: file://transforms/format-prompt.js
region: us-east-1

Transformed prompts maintain proper caching and include metadata about the transformation in the response.

Response Path Expressions

The responseFormat.path configuration option allows you to extract specific fields from the SageMaker endpoint response using JavaScript expressions or custom transformer functions from files.

JavaScript Expressions

You can use JavaScript expressions to access nested properties in the response:

- id: sagemaker:jumpstart:your-jumpstart-endpoint
label: 'JumpStart model'
region: us-east-1
modelType: jumpstart
temperature: 0.7
maxTokens: 256
path: 'json.generated_text'

Response Format Issues

If you're getting unusual responses from your endpoint, try:

  1. Setting modelType to match your model (or custom if unique)
  2. Using the responseFormat.path option to extract the correct field:
    • For Llama models (JumpStart): Use responseFormat.path: "json.generated_text"
    • For Mistral models (Hugging Face): Use responseFormat.path: "json[0].generated_text"
  3. Checking that your endpoint is correctly processing the input format
  4. Adding a delay parameter (e.g., delay: 500) to prevent rate limiting