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The WebSocket provider allows you to connect to a WebSocket endpoint for inference. This is useful for real-time, bidirectional communication with a server that supports WebSocket connections.


To use the WebSocket provider, set the provider id to websocket and provide the necessary configuration in the config section.

- id: 'wss://'
messageTemplate: '{"prompt": "{{prompt}}", "model": "{{model}}"}'
responseParser: 'data.output'
timeoutMs: 10000

Configuration Options

  • url (required): The WebSocket URL to connect to.
  • messageTemplate (required): A template for the message to be sent over the WebSocket connection. You can use placeholders like {{prompt}} which will be replaced with the actual prompt.
  • responseParser (optional): A JavaScript snippet or function to extract the desired output from the WebSocket response given the data parameter. If not provided, the entire response will be used as the output. If the response is valid JSON, the object will be returned.
  • timeoutMs (optional): The timeout in milliseconds for the WebSocket connection. Default is 10000 (10 seconds).

Using Variables

You can use test variables in your messageTemplate:

- id: 'wss://'
messageTemplate: '{"prompt": "{{prompt}}", "model": "{{model}}", "language": "{{language}}"}'
responseParser: 'data.translation'

- vars:
model: 'gpt-4'
language: 'French'

Parsing the Response

Use the responseParser property to extract specific values from the WebSocket response. For example:

- id: 'wss://'
messageTemplate: '{"prompt": "{{prompt}}"}'
responseParser: 'data.choices[0].message.content'

This configuration extracts the message content from a response structure similar to:

"choices": [
"message": {
"content": "This is the response."

Using as a Library

If you are using promptfoo as a node library, you can provide the equivalent provider config:

// ...
providers: [{
id: 'wss://',
config: {
messageTemplate: '{"prompt": "{{prompt}}"}',
responseParser: (data) => data.foobar,
timeoutMs: 15000,

Note that when using the WebSocket provider, the connection will be opened for each API call and closed after receiving the response or when the timeout is reached.


Supported config options:

urlstringThe WebSocket URL to connect to. If not provided, the id of the provider will be used as the URL.
messageTemplatestringA template string for the message to be sent over the WebSocket connection. Supports Nunjucks templating.
responseParserstring | FunctionA function or string representation of a function to parse the response. If not provided, the entire response will be returned as the output.
timeoutMsnumberThe timeout in milliseconds for the WebSocket connection. Defaults to 10000 (10 seconds) if not specified.

Note: The messageTemplate supports Nunjucks templating, allowing you to use the {{prompt}} variable or any other variables passed in the test context.

In addition to a full URL, the provider id field accepts ws, wss, or websocket as values.