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Evaluating RAG pipelines

Retrieval-augmented generation is a method for enriching LLM prompts with relevant data. Typically, the user prompt will be converting into an embedding and matching documents are fetched from a vector store. Then, the LLM is called with the matching documents as part of the prompt.

When designing an evaluation strategy for RAG applications, you should evaluate both steps:

  1. Document retrieval from the vector store
  2. LLM output generation

It's important to evaluate these steps separately, because breaking your RAG into multiple steps makes it easier to pinpoint issues.

There are several criteria used to evaluate RAG applications:

  • Output-based
    • Factuality (also called Correctness): Measures whether the LLM outputs are based on the provided ground truth. See the factuality metric.
    • Answer relevance: Measures how directly the answer addresses the question. See answer-relevance or similar metric.
  • Context-based
    • Context adherence (also called Grounding or Faithfulness): Measures whether LLM outputs are based on the provided context. See context-adherence metric.
    • Context recall: Measures whether the context contains the correct information, compared to a provided ground truth, in order to produce an answer. See context-recall metric.
    • Context relevance: Measures how much of the context is necessary to answer a given query. See context-relevance metric.
  • Custom metrics: You know your application better than anyone else. Create test cases that focus on things that matter to you (examples include: whether a certain document is cited, whether the response is too long, etc.)

This guide shows how to use promptfoo to evaluate your RAG app. If you're new to promptfoo, head to Getting Started.

You can also jump to the full RAG example on GitHub.

Evaluating document retrieval

Document retrieval is the first step of a RAG. It is possible to eval the retrieval step in isolation, in order to ensure that you are fetching the best documents.

Suppose we have a simple file, which takes a query and outputs a list of documents and their contents:

import vectorstore

def call_api(query, options, context):
# Fetch relevant documents and join them into a string result.
documents = vectorstore.query(query)
output = "\n".join(f'{}: {doc.content}' for doc in documents)

result = {
"output": output,

# Include error handling and token usage reporting as needed
# if some_error_condition:
# result['error'] = "An error occurred during processing"
# if token_usage_calculated:
# result['tokenUsage'] = {"total": token_count, "prompt": prompt_token_count, "completion": completion_token_count}

return result

In practice, your retrieval logic is probably more complicated than the above (e.g. query transformations and fanout). Substitute with a script of your own that prepares the query and talks to your database.


We will set up an eval that runs a live document retrieval against the vector database.

In the example below, we're evaluating a RAG chat bot used on a corporate intranet. We add a couple tests to ensure that the expected substrings appear in the document results.

First, create promptfooconfig.yaml. We'll use a placeholder prompt with a single {{ query }} variable. This file instructs promptfoo to run several test cases through the retrieval script.

- '{{ query }}'
- file://
- vars:
query: What is our reimbursement policy?
- type: contains-all
- ''
- 'hr-policies.html'
- 'Employee Reimbursement Policy'
- vars:
query: How many weeks is maternity leave?
- type: contains-all
- ''
- 'hr-policies.html'
- 'Maternity Leave'

In the above example, the contains-all assertion ensures that the output from contains all the listed substrings. The context-recall assertions use an LLM model to ensure that the retrieval performs well.

You will get the most value out of this eval if you set up your own evaluation test cases. View other assertion types that you can use.

Comparing vector databases

In order to compare multiple vector databases in your evaluation, create retrieval scripts for each one and add them to the providers list:

- file://
- file://
- file://

Running the eval with promptfoo eval will create a comparison view between Pinecone, Milvus, and PGVector:

vector db comparison eval

In this particular example, the metrics that we set up indicate that PGVector performs the best. But results will vary based on how you tune the database and how you format or transform the query before sending it to the database.

Evaluating LLM output

Once you are confident that your retrieval step is performing well, it's time to evaluate the LLM itself.

In this step, we are focused on evaluating whether the LLM output is correct given a query and a set of documents.

Instead of using an external script provider, we'll use the built-in functionality for calling LLM APIs. If your LLM output logic is complicated, you can use a python provider as shown above.

First, let's set up our prompt by creating a prompt1.txt file:

You are a corporate intranet chat assistant.  The user has asked the following:

{{ query }}

You have retrieved some documents to assist in your response:

{{ context }}

Think carefully and respond to the user concisely and accurately.

Now that we've constructed a prompt, let's set up some test cases. In this example, the eval will format each of these test cases using the prompt template and send it to the LLM API:

prompts: [prompt1.txt]
providers: [openai:gpt-4o-mini]
- vars:
query: What is the max purchase that doesn't require approval?
context: file://docs/
- type: contains
value: '$500'
- type: factuality
value: the employee's manager is responsible for approvals
- type: answer-relevance
threshold: 0.9
- vars:
query: How many weeks is maternity leave?
context: file://docs/
- type: factuality
value: maternity leave is 4 months
- type: answer-relevance
threshold: 0.9
- type: similar
value: eligible employees can take up to 4 months of leave

In this config, we've assumed the existence of some test fixtures docs/ and docs/ You could also just hardcode the values directly in the config.

The factuality and answer-relevance assertions use OpenAI's model-grading prompt to evaluate the accuracy of the output using an LLM. If you prefer deterministic grading, you may use some of the other supported string or regex based assertion types (docs).

The similar assertion uses embeddings to evaluate the relevancy of the RAG output to the expected result.

Using dynamic context

You can define a Python script that fetches context based on other variables in the test case. This is useful if you want to retrieve specific docs for each test case.

Here's how you can modify the promptfooconfig.yaml and create a script to achieve this:

  1. Update the promptfooconfig.yaml file:
# ...

- vars:
question: 'What is the parental leave policy?'
context: file://./
  1. Create the script:
def retrieve_documents(question: str) -> str:
# Calculate embeddings, search vector db...
return f'<Documents similar to {question}>'

def get_var(var_name, prompt, other_vars):
question = other_vars['question']

context = retrieve_documents(question)
return {
'output': context

# In case of error:
# return {
# 'error': 'Error message'
# }

The script defines two functions:

  • get_var(var_name, prompt, other_vars): This is a special function that promptfoo looks for when loading dynamic variables.
  • retrieve_documents(question: str) -> str: This function takes the question as input and retrieves relevant documents based on the question. You can implement your own logic here to search a vector database or do anything else to fetch context.

Run the eval

The promptfoo eval command will run the evaluation and check if your tests are passed. Use the web viewer to view the test output. You can click into a test case to see the full prompt, as well as the test outcomes.

rag eval view test details

Comparing prompts

Suppose we're not happy with the performance of the prompt above and we want to compare it with another prompt. Maybe we want to require citations. Let's create prompt2.txt:

You are a corporate intranet researcher.  The user has asked the following:

{{ query }}

You have retrieved some documents to assist in your response:

{{ documents }}

Think carefully and respond to the user concisely and accurately. For each statement of fact in your response, output a numeric citation in brackets [0]. At the bottom of your response, list the document names for each citation.

Now, update the config to list multiple prompts:

- file://prompt1.txt
- file://prompt2.txt

Let's also introduce a metric

The output of promptfoo eval will compare the performance across both prompts, so that you can choose the best one:

rag eval comparing multiple prompts

In the above example, both prompts perform well. So we might go with prompt 1, which is shorter and uses fewer tokens.

Comparing models

Imagine we're exploring budget and want to compare the performance of GPT-4 vs Llama. Update the providers config to list each of the models:

- openai:gpt-4o-mini
- openai:gpt-4o
- ollama:llama3.1

Let's also add a heuristic that prefers shorter outputs. Using the defaultTest directive, we apply this to all RAG tests:

- type: python
value: max(0, min(1, 1 - (len(output) - 100) / 900))

Here's the final config:

prompts: [prompt1.txt]
providers: [openai:gpt-4o-mini, openai:gpt-4o, ollama:llama3.1]
- type: python
value: max(0, min(1, 1 - (len(output) - 100) / 900))
- vars:
query: What is the max purchase that doesn't require approval?
context: file://docs/
- type: contains
value: '$500'
- type: factuality
value: the employee's manager is responsible for approvals
- type: answer-relevance
threshold: 0.9
- vars:
query: How many weeks is maternity leave?
context: file://docs/
- type: factuality
value: maternity leave is 4 months
- type: answer-relevance
threshold: 0.9
- type: similar
value: eligible employees can take up to 4 months of leave

The output shows that GPT-4 performs the best and Llama-2 performs the worst, based on the test cases that we set up:

rag eval compare models

Remember, evals are what you make of them - you should always develop test cases that focus on the metrics you care about.

Evaluating end-to-end performance

We've covered how to test the retrieval and generation steps separately. You might be wondering how to test everything end-to-end.

The way to do this is similar to the "Evaluating document retrieval" step above. You'll have to create a script that performs document retrieval and calls the LLM, then set up a config like this:

# Test different prompts to find the best
prompts: [prompt1.txt, prompt2.txt]

# Test different retrieval and generation methods to find the best
- file://
- file://

# ...

By following this approach and setting up tests on expected outputs, you can ensure that the quality of your RAG pipeline is improving, and prevent regressions.

See the RAG example on GitHub for a fully functioning end-to-end example.