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Sandboxed Evaluations of LLM-Generated Code

You're using LLMs to generate code snippets, functions, or even entire programs. Blindly trusting and executing this generated code in our production environments - or even in development environments - can be a severe security risk.

This is where sandboxed evaluations come in. By running LLM-generated code in a controlled, isolated environment, we can:

  1. Safely assess the code correctness.
  2. Benchmark different LLMs or prompts to find which produce the most reliable code.
  3. Catch potential errors, infinite loops, or resource-intensive operations before they impact the host system.

In this tutorial, we'll use promptfoo to set up an automated pipeline for generating Python code with an LLM, executing it in a secure sandbox using epicbox, and evaluating the results.


Make sure you have the following installed:

  • Node.js and npm
  • Python 3.9+
  • Docker
  • promptfoo (npm install -g promptfoo)
  • epicbox (pip install epicbox)
  • urllib3 < 2 (pip install 'urllib3<2')

Pull the Docker image you want to use so it is available locally. In this tutorial, we'll use a generic Python image, but you can use a custom one if you want:

docker pull python:3.9-alpine


Create the promptfoo configuration file

Create a file named promptfooconfig.yaml:

prompts: code_generation_prompt.txt

- ollama:chat:llama3:70b
- openai:gpt-4o

- vars:
problem: 'Write a Python function to calculate the factorial of a number'
function_name: 'factorial'
test_input: '5'
expected_output: '120'
- vars:
problem: 'Write a Python function to check if a string is a palindrome'
function_name: 'is_palindrome'
test_input: "'racecar'"
expected_output: 'True'
- vars:
problem: 'Write a Python function to find the largest element in a list'
function_name: 'find_largest'
test_input: '[1, 5, 3, 9, 2]'
expected_output: '9'

- type: python
value: file://

This configuration does several important things:

  1. It tells promptfoo to use our prompt template
  2. We're testing GPT-4o and Llama 3 (you can replace this with a provider of your choice. Promptfoo supports both local and commercial providers).
  3. It defines coding problems. For each problem, it specifies the function name, a test input, and the expected output.
  4. It sets up a Python-based assertion that will run for each test case, validating the generated code.

Create the prompt template

Create a file named code_generation_prompt.txt with the following content:

You are a Python code generator. Write a Python function to solve the following problem:


Use the following function name: {{function_name}}

Only provide the function code, without any explanations or additional text. Wrap your code in triple backticks.

This prompt will be sent to the LLM, with {{variables}} substituted accordingly (this prompt is a jinja-compatible template).

Set up the Python assertion script

Create a file named This will be a Python assertion that dynamically grades each coding problem by running it in a Docker container using epicbox.

import epicbox
import re

# Replace with your preferred Docker image
DOCKER_IMAGE = 'python:3.9-alpine'

def get_assert(output, context):
# Extract the Python function from the LLM output
function_match ='```python\s*\n(def\s+.*?)\n```', output, re.DOTALL)
if not function_match:
return {'pass': False, 'score': 0, 'reason': 'No function definition found'}

function_code =

epicbox.Profile('python', DOCKER_IMAGE)

function_name = context['vars']['function_name']
test_input = context['vars']['test_input']
expected_output = context['vars']['expected_output']

# Create a Python script to call the LLM-written function
test_code = f"""

# Test the function
result = {function_name}({test_input})

files = [{'name': '', 'content': test_code.encode('utf-8')}]
limits = {'cputime': 1, 'memory': 64}

# Run it
result ='python', 'python', files=files, limits=limits)

# Check the result
if result['exit_code'] != 0:
return {'pass': False, 'score': 0, 'reason': f"Execution error: {result['stderr'].decode('utf-8')}"}

actual_output = result['stdout'].decode('utf-8').strip()
if actual_output == str(expected_output):
return {'pass': True, 'score': 1, 'reason': f'Correct output: got {expected_output}'}
return {'pass': False, 'score': 0, 'reason': f"Incorrect output. Expected: {expected_output}, Got: {actual_output}"}

Running the Evaluation

Execute the following command in your terminal:

promptfoo eval

This command will:

  • Generate Python code for each problem using an LLM
  • Extract the generated code
  • Run it in the Docker sandbox environment
  • Determine whether the output is correct or not

Analyzing Results

After running the evaluation, open the web viewer:

promptfoo view

This will display a summary of the results. You can analyze:

  • Overall pass rate of the generated code
  • Specific test cases where the LLM succeeded or failed
  • Error messages or incorrect outputs for failed tests

llm evals with code generation

What's next

To further explore promptfoo's capabilities, consider:

  • Testing different LLM providers
  • Modify your prompt
  • Expanding the range of coding problems and test cases

For more information, refer to the official guide. You can also explore continuous integration and integrations with other tools.